Japanese Sake

Pre-order of “Kuromatsu Shiraga Nekodasuke” commemorative sake for Cat Day 2023 started; limited sales of 2,222 bottles; 222 yen per bottle donated to animal welfare fund

Umamotoke Sake Brewery "Kuromatsu Shiraga Nekodasuke"

Tatsumahonke Shuzo (Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture) will release "Kuromatsu Shiraga Nekodasuke Special Junmai Yamadanishiki" on February 17, 2023.

It will be priced at 2,222 yen per 720 ml (tax included) and have an alcohol content of 14-15%. Pre-orders will be accepted starting December 22, prior to the release.

The limited-edition, original-label product was designed by popular SNS and media illustrator Eiko Oki to commemorate Cat Day on February 22, with the hope of achieving the goal of practically eliminating the killing of stray cats. A heart mark is hidden in the illustration, and the label is full of love in a playful way.

This sake is made from 100% Yamadanishiki rice produced in Hyogo Prefecture and has a refreshing taste with the full flavor and richness of Yamadanishiki.

The company will donate 222 yen per bottle to the "Animal Protection Fund" of Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. The company, which has been brewing sake in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, for more than 360 years, will work with customers to help solve social problems in the region by donating to Nishinomiya City's animal welfare activities.

In addition to setting the selling price at 2,222 yen and the donation at 222 yen in honor of Cat Day, the limited quantity of 2,222 bottles has been increased to 10 times the previous quantity in response to the opinions and requests received at the time of the 2022 launch.



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