
Popular vegan & gluten-free pancakes too! Sakura vegan sweets are available for a limited time

TREE by NAKED yoyogi park, an art restaurant in Yoyogi Park by NAKED, Inc. will begin offering a limited-time spring menu from March 4, 2023, until mid-May. Many of the spring-only menu items will be vegan sweets and vegan drinks, which are friendly to both people and the environment.

  • Enjoy spring with spring-colored vegan sweets and drinks at cherry blossom viewing and in the store

TREE by NAKED yoyogi park" is an art restaurant where you can enjoy seasonal tastes and seasons with your senses along with the changing seasons in Yoyogi Park. Through eco-friendly take-out boxes, paper straws, and a vegan menu, the restaurant aims to be "body and environmentally friendly" in its service.

This spring, a cherry blossom vegan sweet will be available for the cherry blossom season. The vegan and gluten-free pancakes that have become the restaurant's new specialty are now also available in a spring version. The cherry blossom-flavored pancake batter is served with soy milk cream and anko (red bean paste) for a Japanese taste. Also, Sakura vegan scones, which resemble sakura mochi, have joined the seasonal menu. It is a new type of scone with anko (red bean paste) inside. As for the vegan sweets drink menu, "Sakura Soy Milk Chai," which was popular on Instagram last year, will make a return appearance. In addition, this year, the milk in last year's popular spring-only drink, Sakura Smoothie, has been changed to soy milk for an updated taste. Please enjoy a relaxing springtime with a wide variety of vegan sweets and drinks.

  • Seasonal mille-feuille & TREE special canelé, popular on Instagram, is now available in a limited version for spring

Our classic popular sweets "Seasonal Mille-feuille" and "TREE Special Canelé" are spring versions with strawberries and matcha. “Seasonal Mille-feuille” is a Japanese flavor with citrus-filled red bean paste along with matcha cream that uses matcha from Kyoto. The balsamic brown sugar syrup and kinako (roasted soybean flour) yogurt crumble are sprinkled around the mille-feuille, creating a rich mille-feuille with a refreshing aftertaste. Another classic and popular sweet, "TREE Special Canelé", is a spring-only item where you can enjoy the exquisite taste created by the mellowness of matcha cream and the sourness of fresh strawberries. "Seasonal Millefeuille" is a limited sweet that can only be enjoyed at eat-in.

  • Spring Limited Vegan Sweets & Drinks Menu Details (Tax included)

Vegan & Gluten Free Sakura Pancake ¥1,870 (EAT IN)

Vegan pancakes have become TREE's new specialty sweets. The gluten-free pancake dough has a cherry blossom flavor and is slightly pink. The soy milk cream and red bean paste are not too sweet, but the satisfaction of eating something sweet.



Vegan Sakura Scone ¥660 (EAT IN)

A new type of scone with red bean paste in a cherry dough wrapped in cherry blossom leaves, just like sakura mochi.




Vegan Sakura Zenzai ¥880 (EAT IN)

A soft cherry blossom-colored, cute, coconut-milk Asian-style zenzai made with "the omochi" (Japanese sticky rice). The red rice cake is colored with beets for a healthier taste. Served with salted cherry blossom kelp.




Sakura Amazake Smoothie ¥990 (EAT IN)

The milk in last year's popular Sakura Smoothie has been replaced with soy milk. It is now a healthy vegan drink.




Sakura Soy Milk Chai ¥880(EAT IN)

This year's chai is gentle on the body and relaxing to drink.



  • TREE Spring Limited Sweets Menu Details (Tax included price)

* This menu is not vegan.

Millefeuille with strawberry and green tea cream ¥1,980 (EAT IN)

A spring-only version of the seasonal millefeuille that boasts popularity on SNS with the tag "divine lefeuille.
Eat in only.



TREE's special canele spring version ¥880(EAT IN)

A special spring flavor of matcha green tea cream topped with fresh strawberries.



  • Store Information

Store Name:TREE by NAKED yoyogi park
Address:1-10-2 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone number:050-1743-2539
Access:Tokyo Metro Daitogakouen Station Entrance 2, Subaru Line Daitogakohata Station South Exit *No parking
Closed: Wednesday
Restaurant Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (L.O. 17:00)
Take-out service hours: 10:00-18:00 (L.O. 17:00)
Official website: https://tree.naked.works/yoyogi/
Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/treebynaked

  • ABOUT Naked Inc.

A creative company founded by Ryotaro Muramatsu in 1997. With the philosophy of "Core Creative, Total Creation, and Borderless Creativity," the company is active in all genres. In recent years, the company has created various experiences that crossover between real and virtual, such as the "DANDELION PROJECT," a networked art project that connects various parts of the world, and the development of AR/VR products. From 2022, we will be working on the Kyoto Metaverse, a project to transmit Kyoto's culture and art experiences in virtual and real life. In 2022, he will launch "NAKED GARDEN ONE KYOTO," a project to deliver Kyoto's culture and art experiences through virtual and real life, working on the Kyoto Metaverse.
Representative works include "TOKYO HIKARI VISION," a projection mapping of Tokyo Station; "NAKED FLOWERS," an experiential art exhibition of flowers that has been held at the World Heritage Site Nijo Castle, as well as in Tokyo and Hong Kong; "HUMANOID DJ," a music experience created by AI (artificial intelligence); and "TREE by NAKED," a food x art experience. TREE by NAKED yoyogi park" restaurant, "NAKED Tsukubai ®︎" artwork to prevent infectious diseases, "NAKED Distance Lanterns ®︎" and others.

NAKED, INC.: https://naked.co.jp
Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naked_inc/
Official Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NAKEDINC.official
■Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/naked_staff
■Official YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/NAKEDINC