Japanese Sake

Hamada Shuzo launches botanical barley shochu “CHILL GREEN spicy&citrus,” using the spice “Ma Gao,” with a citrus aroma and a spicy, peppery flavor

濵田酒造「CHILL GREEN spicy&citrus」


Hamada Sake Brewery (Ichikikushikino City, Kagoshima Prefecture) will release shochu "CHILL GREEN spicy & citrus" on February 23rd.

The 720 ml bottle is priced at 1,290 yen, excluding tax. It has an alcohol content of 25%. In addition to barley, the company uses "Ma Gao" cultivated in Taiwan, China, and other countries to give it a characteristic citrus aroma and a spicy, prickly flavor.

Margao, a spice grown in Taiwan and China


By combining botanicals (plant-based raw materials) and moromi (alcohol), it is produced using Hamada Sake Brewery's unique "botanical manufacturing method," which creates an alcoholic beverage with a new sense of flavor. By adding botanicals to the moromi at the optimum timing during fermentation, the flavor of the botanicals is extracted to the maximum, creating a richly flavored shochu. A blend of barley shochu with the most polished and clean quality.

The brand name "CHILL GREEN" is a combination of "chill out", which means "calm down" and "relax", and "green", which has the image of "botanical" and "natural".

According to Hamada Sake Brewery, "In the midst of our busy daily lives, we want to be a brand that helps you spend time in a relaxed way. With that in mind, 'CHILL GREEN' was born."

<Botanical shochu with a new sensation>
On February 9th, a presentation was held at the Hamada Sake Brewery Tokyo office in Chuo-ku, Tokyo.

Director and Managing Executive Officer Yoshiaki Yasue gave an overview of the single-distillation shochu market over the past few years, and then said, "We will preserve our traditions and make use of the technical capabilities we have cultivated. ``DAIYAME'' has been released and has been supported not only by women and young people, but also by entry-level customers, and the sales performance in 2022 has increased to 626% compared to 2019.”

In addition, we have decided to release 'CHILL GREEN spicy & citrus' to bring you a new style. The development concept is 'botanical shochu with a new sensation of flavor'. Scented shochu has been released by various manufacturers and is gaining popularity, but according to consumer surveys, "taste" and "price" are the most important factors in shochu, followed by "fragrance." 'CHILL GREEN' is also a product that you can enjoy the scent, and we expect it to be a product that can contribute to the expansion of shochu users."

Regarding the target, "mainly entry-level people who have never drank shochu so much. In addition, people who are conscious of 'health' and 'ethical', people who have a high sensitivity of antenna and are sensitive to information, etc. We are targeting it,” he said.

Hamada Sake Brewery recommends drinking it with soda, but if you use 2 parts carbonated water to 1 part "CHILL GREEN spicy & citrus", you can enjoy the citrus scent unique to Margao, and if you change it to 4 parts carbonated water, it will have a refreshing ramune-like taste. Change. Diluting it with tonic water adds sweetness and bitterness, and adds a hint of sweetness to create a cocktail-like flavor with a citrus aroma.